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What’s Happening

Earth Day!

04/22/13 Nuestro Mundo Community School

Happy Earth Day! We are doing our big push this week for pledge signing and even cleaning up our school grounds. Hooray for Spring and earth day!

Power Patrol

03/04/13 Nuestro Mundo Community School

We had our official first power patrol today and many classrooms were doing well. Many already had lights and computers off. We have many classrooms with projectors and other electronic equipment, so we were checking for those as well.

Patrol Meeting today!

02/25/13 Nuestro Mundo Community School

Yay - after planning to have a meeting and having things come up in the schedule, we were able to finally meet the patrol today. Looking forward to next week’s meeting, too.

New Building!

01/04/13 Nuestro Mundo Community School

Nuestro Mundo is in it’s own building now. We’ve moved from Frank Allis and we recycled, reused and shared materials as needed to cut down on waste.

Late Start...

01/04/13 Nuestro Mundo Community School

We got a late start this year due to some technical difficulties but we are catching up in house and will keep you posted.


01/04/13 Nuestro Mundo Community School

Every so often, we get an emailed factoid to us - they are fascinating and I think I will start posting them here too. But this one right before the holidays really caught me by surprise: Every year at holiday time thousands of pounds of wrapping paper are produced, using huge amounts of energy, and quickly discarded just moments after opening the gift. Indeed, each ream of paper takes approximately the energy equivalent of 2 gallons of gasoline to produce. (Source: U.S. Department of Energy) Can you think of a different way to decorate your presents other than wrapping them in new wrapping paper?

New Year’s Resolution

01/04/13 Nuestro Mundo Community School

2013 is here and the posters have been hung for a while, resources heading out to our teachers and kids are excited to learn how they can become part of power patrol. We didn’t get that off the ground in semester 1 due to technical difficulties and timing, but we’re looking to hit the ground running in 2013 with student and teacher collaboration.

Another Factoid

01/04/13 Nuestro Mundo Community School

According to the US Department of Energy, lighting consumes 30% of total energy use in a typical school. We can save a lot of energy by simply turning off the lights when whenever we don