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What’s Happening

February Power Patrol

02/25/14 Falk Elementary

The power patrol was on the move today. Did they stop by your room? You may have received special notes and stickerss from the Patrol. Thanks for saving energy in your rooms.

Pledge Week

10/15/13 Falk Elementary

Pledge sheets are passed out to all classes. Let’s get the pledges going and work at making a Falk a "Don’t Waste It" school.

Hug A Tree!

05/16/13 Falk Elementary

It is National Hug A Tree Day! So right after you are done hugging a tree and be sure to thank that tree for helping our environment. They renew our air supply, provide us shade to keep us cool...So go ahead and plant a new tree as well.

Bike to Work Week!

05/13/13 Falk Elementary

Half of U.S. schoolchildren are dropped off at school in the family car. If 20% of those living within two miles of school were to bike or walk instead, it would save 4.3 million miles of driving per day. Over a year, that saved driving would prevent 356,000 tons of CO2 and 21,500 tons of other pollutants from being emitted. Let’s get out and bike to work and school this week!

Field Day at Falk

05/10/13 Falk Elementary

Quidditch day at Falk with the UW team. Join in the fun for an exciting day of outside activities. The more energy you expend outside means less energy we use inside.

Earth Day Pictures

05/09/13 Falk Elementary

Check out all the pictures from Earth Day events at Falk. Vidoe to follow as well.

Bike to school week

05/09/13 Falk Elementary

Great way to help our environment. Bike to school and save our environment from pollution and get some exercise as well.

Watch For The Power Patrol

12/11/12 Falk Elementary

The Power Patrol will be out patrolling the school this week. We will be putting stickers on places and things as a reminder to turn things off when not in use.

Pledge Takers

12/11/12 Falk Elementary

Thank You to the following classrooms for taking the Pledge: Ms. Yang’s Class Ms. Olson’s Class Ms. Kuhn’s Class Ms. Ovadal’s Class Ms. Koeche’s Class Keep the pledges coming!

Power Patrol Tour

12/10/12 Falk Elementary

The Power Patrol was busy learning how energy is used in our school today. Ask a Power Patrol member about what they learned today.