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What’s Happening

Morning Meeting!

05/01/13 Jefferson Middle School

This morning all homerooms in the Jefferson Community took part in a lesson that had us thinking about ways to save energy and save the planet! Our lesson ended with adding to and signing the People.Power.Planet pledge. We’ve taken the first step in being more energy efficient and planet-friendly! Great job Jefferson! Pictures are coming soon!

Morning Meeting

05/01/13 Jefferson Middle School

All homerooms participated in a morning meeting lesson around saving energy and helping to keep the planet healthier. The lesson had students brainstorm ways to be eco-friendly and concluded with all students signing a pledge to do their part. The entire Jefferson community complete this at the same time on the same day!

Day 1!

04/23/13 Jefferson Middle School

Our hard-working group of planet-savers are planning to make help make the Jefferson Community healthier and stronger! We’re planning a morning meeting activity, getting the pledges ready to go and we’re even planning a little lunch-time fun! Our work will go public next week so stay tuned!

Earth Day!

04/22/13 Jefferson Middle School

Happy Earth Day! The Jefferson Energy Team is looking forward to saving energy in our community! In the coming weeks Jefferson students and Staff will sign the power pledge to save energy and money in our building!