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What’s Happening

The Second Annual Great Bird-a-Thon is On!

05/28/14 Lincoln Elementary

Today, Lincoln students are busy watching birds. We are participating in the National Audubon Bird-a-Thon to raise awareness about and money for our fine feathered friends, who have such a very important place in our ecosystem. Photos to follow,,,

Lincoln Plants an Orchard

05/16/14 Lincoln Elementary

We were given 6 wonderful fruit trees and 5 Aronia bushes through the GROW Pilot Project. Students in 5 different classes helped plant, mulch, water, and stake our new trees and bushes. We look forward to having our own school-grown fruits and berries. We learned about how we can save energy by growing our own food near home- either in our yard or a community garden. The food doesn’t have to be transported as far!

We’ve Reached 285 Pledges!

01/31/14 Lincoln Elementary

285 Lincoln students have now pledged. That’s over the goal that was set for us, but not every students has had the chance to pledge yet.

We Hit 100% of Pledges!!!

01/27/14 Lincoln Elementary

Yay! We now have 100% of our goal of 250 pledges! We will go beyond that, though, as we still have two more classes to take the pledge!

Pledges at 75%

01/23/14 Lincoln Elementary

We have reached 75% of our goal in pledges! Yay!

Single Stream Recycling Simulation

01/23/14 Lincoln Elementary

In REACH class this week students are involved in designing a mini single stream recycling sorting process. This is a model of what takes place in a Materials Recovery Facility. The activity is followed by watching a short video that shows the real-world process in action. Fascinating!

Vampires Lurk

01/21/14 Lincoln Elementary

All Lincoln students did an investigation in science class of the types of appliances that are considered ’vampires’. Using "Kill-a-Watt" meters, they tested a variety of appliances to see which were using power even when turned off.

A Visit From Neils Wolter

05/15/13 Lincoln Elementary

Solar Energy expert Neils Wolter came to speak to our Lincoln Green Team today. He explained the difference between solar electric and solar hot water systems. We went outside to peruse the Lincoln rooftop solar potential. It turns out we have a lot of space on our roof with perfect solar access. We hope to pursue funding for a basic solar system next year. Thanks for the inspiration, Neils!

Visit From Holistic Life Team

05/02/13 Lincoln Elementary

We had three guests. Ali, Atman, and Andy, they taught us breathing techniques, feelings, and yoga. On Monday for the school... We met with them for a whole week (But for the first timers it was their first time meeting Them three, But the second and third timers It was refreshing to see them again) ... but on that Monday, we met with them three, on Tuesday-Thursday each of the school’s classrooms had either Ali, Atman, or Andy. On Friday each of our classes went to the library at different times. We had to soon say good bye to Ali, Andy, and Atman. They’re the unforgotten 3A {The three As)

Green Team Studies Paper Towel Usage

02/14/13 Lincoln Elementary

Our Lincoln Green Team is doing a study to determine how many sheets of paper towels a student uses on average to dry their hands. They are also working on a video and poster campaign to get everyone to start using just one sheet of paper towel every time they dry their hands. Stay tuned!