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What’s Happening

Power Patrol Skit - Act 2

12/16/13 Thoreau Elementary

Larry the Lightbulb meets his Evil Twin

Power Patrol Skit - Act 1

12/16/13 Thoreau Elementary

The Power Patrol educates 4th graders about energy.

Power Patrol skit!

03/12/13 Thoreau Elementary

Here’s the Power Patrol skit as performed for 1st graders.

Power Patrol Announcement

12/21/12 Thoreau Elementary

Josue and Jonatan made a morning announcement to remind everyone (in English and in Spanish) to turn out the lights when they’re not needed. (Video taped by Power Patrol members, Maddie and Melissa).

Power Patrol!

12/21/12 Thoreau Elementary

Maddie and Hannah think this classroom gets a thumbs up.

Power Patrol Building Tour

11/19/12 Thoreau Elementary

Learning about the school’s heating system.

Power Patrol

03/09/12 Thoreau Elementary

Visiting Ms. Daly’s class to collect their pledges

"Power Patrol Play"

02/22/12 Thoreau Elementary

Teaching others about energy and energy use.

The Princess and the Lightbulb

02/17/12 Thoreau Elementary

Thoreau’s Power Patrol presented to classrooms around the school about energy and how to save energy. What this short skit to see how a wasteful princess decides to change her ways. Hopefully it will inspire you to also save energy!