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What’s Happening

lunchroom recycling

02/17/17 Glacier Park Elementary

Students at Glacier Park are pro’s at recycling. They dump out any liquid in the juice box before putting it in the recycling, all food scraps go in the yellow compost can and are sent to Cedar Grove to be turned into compost for the garden, f

Green Team

01/27/17 Glacier Park Elementary

A fourth grade student reads a article she wrote for the school newspaper. She encourages students to take the people power pledge, pack a waste free lunch and educate their families.

What is a Waste Free Lunch?

01/27/17 Glacier Park Elementary

Green Team encourages students to pack a waste free lunch.

Power patrol

01/27/17 Glacier Park Elementary

Green team student educate teacher about the power patrol and help them know what they can do to save power.

Glacier Park You Can Make a Difference

11/10/14 Glacier Park Elementary

Do your part to save the planet