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My School

Spring Harbor Middle School

Madison Metropolitan School District
Madison, WI
Katie Sinkewicz

Progress Snapshot

Power Points


earned by taking action

Energy Savings


saved in your school
Carbon Savings


metric tons of carbon saved in your school
Total Pledges


people pledged this year
(376 total) to cut energy and waste

Announcements View All

Intro to Kill-a-Watt Meters

12/23/11 Spring Harbor Middle School

Described the use of Kill a Watt meters. Class calculated the cost of leaving a monitor on 24-7 based on the average kWhr used by the monitor when off, in sleep mode, or on w/screen saver.

Photos View All

Earth Day Greenhouse build
Earth Day Greenhouse build

05/07/14 Spring Harbor Middle School

Would anyone like some straw-clay to stomp with?!?!

Greenhouse build
Greenhouse build

05/07/14 Spring Harbor Middle School

It takes a village!

Earth Day at Spring Harbor
Earth Day at Spring Harbor

05/07/14 Spring Harbor Middle School

1,2,3, stomp!

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