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What’s Happening

User Submission

01/11/12 Chavez Elementary

Put a recycling bin in the cafeteria

User Submission

01/11/12 Chavez Elementary

install solar panels.

The Lorax and Solar Power

12/25/11 Muir Elementary

The Silver Diamonds (G/P/R+ Team) read The Lorax and discussed sustainability issues - renewable vs. non-renewable resources, profits, human needs vs. needs of the earth. We also had a visit from Muir dad, Chris Collins, who talked to us about solar power.

Power Patrols have started at Hawthorne!

12/23/11 Hawthorne Elementary

Students are taking ownership of saving energy at Hawthorne by starting Power Patrols! Every week members from all different grade levels (K/1, 2/3, and 4/5) patrol their hallways checking to make sure that classes are turning off lights and computers when they are not being used. If classrooms successfully remembered to turn off electrical devices, they receive a

Intro to Kill-a-Watt Meters

12/23/11 Spring Harbor Middle School

Described the use of Kill a Watt meters. Class calculated the cost of leaving a monitor on 24-7 based on the average kWhr used by the monitor when off, in sleep mode, or on w/screen saver.

First Green Team Energy Meeting

12/22/11 Thoreau Elementary

Today, James, Will, Forrest, (other) Will, Vaughn, Savannah, Israel, Lucky, Ciara, Nova and Ms. Sells all met and signed the pledge. They are the new Thoreau Power Patrol! They are excited to get started!


12/20/11 Lincoln Elementary

Did you know? Less than 1% of the world

Energy Facts

12/18/11 Lindbergh Elementary

Did you know

Power Points

12/18/11 Lindbergh Elementary

Lindbergh leads the schools in power points earned. Great job Lindbergh!!! Let’s continue to work on saving energy so our numbers can improve there.

Gimme 5!

12/13/11 Lincoln Elementary

In conjunction with the People.Power.Planet program, all Lincoln students have had the opportunity to learn about the ups and downs of plastic recycling. We examined a wide variety of plastics, searching for the ’chasing arrows’, and determining which kinds can be recycled and how. We have decided to set up a #5 plastic collection here at school, as that is a plastic the Madison recycling program doesn’t accept. We will take our #5s to Whole Foods, then they will be taken to the Gimme 5 recycling plant out east and transformed into toothbrushes, plates, cutlery, and other useful items.