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My School

Kimberly Lane Elementary

Wayzata Public Schools
Plymouth, MN
Kristin Erickson

Progress Snapshot

Power Points


earned by taking action

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Carbon Savings


metric tons of carbon saved in your school
Total Pledges


people pledged this year
(7 total) to cut energy and waste

Announcements View All

Smart Board

04/11/16 Kimberly Lane Elementary

Remember to turn off your smart board when it’s not in use for an hour or more. You can turn it off when students are at recess and lunch, at specialists, and at the end of the day!


04/11/16 Kimberly Lane Elementary

Remember to turn off the lights when you leave the classroom. Even though they turn off with a timer, we can save energy by turning them off right when we leave the room. You an designate it as a student’s job for the week.


04/11/16 Kimberly Lane Elementary

Use natural light to brighten your room. That way you don’t need to turn on all the lights. You can use a dimmer setting with our light switches.

Photos View All

Lights 3
Lights 3

04/11/16 Kimberly Lane Elementary

Lights 6
Lights 6

04/11/16 Kimberly Lane Elementary

Lights 2
Lights 2

04/11/16 Kimberly Lane Elementary

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KL News 11.20.15

11/30/15 Kimberly Lane Elementary

People Power Planet clip = 5:18-6:28